Tag Archives: american government

The Judicial System

Just How Flawed is the American Judicial System?

The good news is most Americans probably don’t care because They’re too stupid to realize that the corrupt and flawed American Judicial system is lowering the quality of their life as Americans.

Black and Mexican criminals who make up over 80% of the over 1 million prison inmates across America really hate the judicial system.  They are arrested for repeated drug violations and instead of the US government taking a smart action, either legalizing the drugs or stopping the production at the source they throw these criminals in a prison system which creates super criminals.

These super-criminals are free to roam the streets, rape, murder and assault the normal hard-working people in America while the American government profits from the drug lords across the world.

What the average American doesn’t understand is they are paying taxes to fund things such as this.  The judicial system fails epically in all areas from the city and country courts up to the supreme court.

The laws in America are a complete joke.  Laws differ from city to city and state to state and fail to take logic and common sense into account.  Some laws are even based on religion which is based on fiction.

Right and wrong is not taken into account for the most part while a judge and jury of low intelligence American people are what usually decides the verdict putting innocent people in jail and prison all while wasting tax payers money.

Anybody can see this is the case by looking at the supreme court.  These old fossils with one foot in the grave who still live in the past and fail to recognize the present and future are responsible for 1/3 of the entire government’s decisions.

Any moron reading this post will know that the American Judicial system is flawed, corrupt and another one of 58 reasons to hate America.

Typical American Blind Justice, minus the Fat Lesbians

Typical American Blind Justice, minus the Fat Lesbians