Category Archives: president bush

Shoe Throwing Terrorists: SPECIAL IRAQI EDITION

The War in Iraq may be a Success After all

After millions of dead with an unjust war in Iraq the terrorists who inhabit the disgusting wasteland formerly known as the gaden of Eden, American values are finally rubbing off on Iraqis.

Years removed from the rule of the great Sadam Husein who kept the terrorists and barbarian inhabitants of the diseased vagina of the Earth Iraq in check, the degenerate people now think it is okay to hurl shoes at the greatest leader on the face of the planet.

This Journalist Jabroni throws a shoe and the people of Iraq and America are too stupid to realize that the people who look like a fool in this is the Iraqi people who would be better off vaporized by a hydrogen bomb than be citizens of the wonderful planet Earth.

Bush should be applauded for casually avoiding the embred’s pathetic projectiles and laughing it off like only a dimwitted Texan could do.  Bush’s approval rate for running, or more correctly, ruining this country is so low, but the approval rating for turning Iraq into a country of ungrateful barbarians must be a success.

The shoe throwing terrorist should be executed but isn’t it ironic that in Bush’s home state of Texas, he would be more likely to get fried than in the land of lawless barbarian imbreds.

Show Throwing Terrorists:  Special addition to 58 Reasons to Hate America and American Values.