Tag Archives: catholics

Christians and Muslims

Annoying Christian American

Annoying Christian American

America is full of this trash.  There needs nothing more to be said than, anybody who would base their life after a fictional story is an idiot and a non-functional member of society.

Most religions are based on stories passed on over hundreds or thousands of years.  What happens when you pass on a story multiple times?  It changes.

A life based on fiction.  People all across America live their life based on a fictional tale of supernatural science fiction.  Their God may may as well be George Lucas.

Any person who could believe any religion where there is a God, or a son of God, or someone who can communicate with this imaginary higher power has absolutely no sense of reality.

Yet a large percentage of Americans believe in this science fiction which causes nothing but death, fear and bloodshed in the United States and across the world.

No religions are more prominent than Christianity and Islam.  They both believe in God and while Christians just want you to convert and believe in their god in an extremely annoying, yet non-violent way, Muslims want to kill you if you are not one of them.

If you think Muslims and Christians kill many people they have nothing on the ULTIMATE MASS MURDERER.

God is that entity.  A divine being?  More like an extreme version of Charles Manson on evil steroids.  If God is so great why does everybody die violent deaths at the hand of his religions.

The fact that America is full of Christians, Muslims and all other forms of believers in fiction novels of the past, makes it an unlivable place to live.

Christians and Muslims alike make irrational, unintelligent decisions based on their favorite fictional novel, the bible or Koran to ruin America for every sensible, peace loving, productive person.

They live in their own little world ruled by God and fail to notice the other 6 billion people on the earth and the other 6 continents.  They fail to believe in hard science and fail to help anything on this earth except for themselves and are determined for the duration of their insignificant lives to ruin the lives of everyone they come into contact with of different belief systems.

Kill, Kill, Kill, Violence, Violence, Violence.  This is all religious people think and all they are good for.  God does not exist.  It does not matter if you’re Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist.

Until people realize this and live their lives to preserve the only thing we have, the EARTH Religions and the Religious, Murderous, Hateful people who practice them all Religion is, is one of 58 Reasons to Hate America.

Christian Muslim Murderer

Christian Muslim Murderer